Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Unhealthy me

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Seems like I've been vulnerable to colds since college started. I don't like this. Last June, at the first week of classes, I caught a cold. After 5 weeks, here I am again sniffing in the runny fluid in my nose. It's a sign that I'm getting unhealthy. It freakin'ly affects my body system from functioning esp my brain. I can't focus well in lessons and can't solve math problems immediately. It's like the mocus has coated the convolutions of my brain, thus clogging it affecting the flow and processing of information. :)))) :| And what I hate is that I ran out of tissue in just 2 days. :| Argh.

But anyways, that's just for today. I feel bad. Better get some sleep. :)


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